The Torrevieja parish priest, Pedro Payá, has been busy on his social network pages this week expressing his disgust at the style of costume chosen by the Osadía comparsa dance troupe for the Torrevieja Carnival this weekend.
He has asked that they are not allowed to parade and that their attendance be withdrawn.
“I find their costumes disrespectful towards those of us who consider religious sentiments to be very important. Even more so when the person who is caricatured is the Our Lady, the Mother of God, who is venerated in Torrevieja with the name of Purisima “, he said.

The priest explained that he was not against carnival as long as certain lines were not passed. “But on occasions it is a very fine line which those who have the audacity to cross it assume the risks”. In an interview with Onda Azul, Fr. Payá asked the City Council “not to use public money that would quite openly offend many citizens in the city of Torrevieja.”
The Councillor for Fiestas, Concha Sala, quickly diverted responsibility away from herself explaining that the organisation of the parades is the responsibility of the Torrevieja Carnival Cultural Association and that the City Council only pays for the parade’s infrastructure costs.
In true political style, she also said that she was not going get involved in the controversies.
But it would seem that the comparsa Osadía will still take part in the night parade next Saturday, February 26, despite the controversy, saying that they don’t know what all the fuss is about.