Spangles has an association going back over ten years, performing alongside Motown singer, Barrington. Having heard the sad news he had been in an induced coma for 2.5 months, and of course unable to earn a living, Spangles agreed they must do something.
”Barrington is a caring and generous soul who helps local charities whenever he can. He loves our style of singing: a cappella four part harmony, and it was now our turn to give him something back” said Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines.

Spangles held a special concert in Sucina’s Restaurante La Mario for Barrington, with a raffle and a silent auction. They have already exceeded their initial target of 1000 Euros and are very happy with the 1,290 Euros which has been raised so far for their friend; and donations are still coming in!
Of course Spangles couldn’t have done it without the support of local businesses: Stu Diamond and Jo Dimberline at Diamond Health and Fitness, Áglae by Raquel Paños, The Salon, The Paul Carpenter Golf Academy, Café JoJo at Avellano, Margaret Reilly (Spangles cake-maker extraordinaire), Paul Hunt at Golf Buggy Solutions, Restaurante La Mario and Murcia Golf Homes
Musical Director, Valerie Lynch says. “We are so grateful to our audience and to all the people who donated prizes and money. There is an old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” and that’s so true in this case. Everyone pulled together to help Barrington in his hour of need”.
Their dear friend has finally woken up from his coma but, after three months in hospital, he has lost weight and muscle tone. He is having to learn to walk again. The road to recovery will be a long and arduous one but we will be there to help. Everyone agrees, Spangles is looking forward to the day when they can sing together again.
If you would like to donate to the fund, you can do so via PayPal to
Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.15 am to 1.15 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and visitors are always welcome. If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email
Main photo: Kajsa Larsdotter Nygren (Spangles)