After their meeting on Thursday 17 February 22, the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion were entertained by the Costa Blanca Morris Dancers.

The group, who believe they are the only English Morris team in Spain, were formed approximately 13 years ago.

After a short introduction by their ‘Squire’, Jean Tonge, the dancers performed the north-west dance, ‘Blackrod’, followed by ‘Upton upon Severn’ which is from the Welsh border tradition, and a new dance, ‘Pinar de Campoverde’, named after the village where they hold their practices.

Finally, when the audience were invited to get up and join in a simple Morris dance, four RBL members volunteered and performed very creditably!

Costa Blanca Morris Dancers are always looking for new members who can contact the Squire on 688 704091 or e-mail  Their next performance will be for the St George’s Day celebrations at the ‘Emerald Isle’ on Saturday 23 April 22.