Santa Pola town hall is once again to submit a request for recognition of the condition of TOURIST MUNICIPALITY OF EXCELLENCE in accordance with the new decree of the Regional Government, which establishes 3 classes of tourist municipality; excellence, uniqueness and relevance.

In order to qualify for the category of EXCELLENCE, it is necessary to prove compliance with several criteria and obligations, including having 1,000 places for tourist accommodation and second homes, first-rate tourist resources, a tourism planning instrument and quality strategies at the destination, as well as the tourist population reaching a number based on the census population.

The Councillor for Tourism, Julio Baeza, indicates that “in December 2020 an attempt was made to become a tourist municipality, but Santa Pola still did not meet all the requirements, mainly the one that referred to quality.

Recently, after intense preparation and adaptation work, the Tourist Offices have been certified under the Une-Iso 14785:2015 “Tourist Information Offices” and Une-Iso/Pas 5643:2021 “Safe Tourism” quality standards. The Museo del Mar has also been certified in the UNE 302002:2018 “Museums” standard.

The Tourism Department maintains that the documentation presented sufficiently proves compliance with all the requirements to obtain accreditation as a TOURIST MUNICIPALITY OF EXCELLENCE, in order to obtain direct aid to provide a better service to tourists who visit us.