At Christmas Lesley Boreham started a fundraiser on Facebook called ‘A bed for Christmas’, for the dogs at Finca la Castellana Animal Welfare Centre, her target was 50 beds or €1000. With lots of work and effort Lesley managed to raise €456 towards the cause, purchasing approximately 25 beds for some of the dogs currently living at the rescue centre.
These beds are raised on legs, avoiding the cold coming through the beds and helping to keep the dogs extra cozy. Despite Lesley’s immense efforts, she did not manage to raise the full amount for 50 beds, the €1000 target she had aimed for originally.
Husband Richard, of Autolease renting & Autocarga in Benijófar, stepped in and offered to match the amount already raised to make the 1000€ needed for the 50 beds!
An amazing and generous gesture which we here at Finca la Castellana are extremely grateful for. Thank you to Lesley and Richard, and to all the people who either, donated or bought these fantastic beds for all our dogs.