The Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública has administered a total of 990,004 doses of the coronavirus vaccine during the month of December, of which 158,465 have been first doses for the population still pending the vaccine, 128,289 second doses to complete the immunisation and 703,250 have been booster doses to those over 60 years of age and indicated population groups.

Of the total doses administered, by provinces, during this month 117,465 doses have been administered in the province of Castellón, 381,555 in Alicante and 490,984 in Valencia, as reported by Health in a statement.

For the Department, these figures “show the impulse” that the department headed by Ana Barceló has given to the vaccination process this December with the aim of immunising “as soon as possible” the entire Valencian population, as well as inoculating doses of reinforcement of vulnerable population groups.

The Minister of Health stressed that the vaccination teams have developed “intense work with the aim of continuing to protect citizens.” “In fact, December has been the month that more vaccines have been administered after the summer, which was when the population was inoculated massively,” she highlighted.

In fact, according to Health data, the figures reached in December are at the same level as those reached last summer with the start-up of the 133 mass vaccination points. Thus, while 1,652,994 of administered doses were reached in June, as of September this figure began to decrease to 516,831 in September, 143,535 in October and 567,257 in November. And it was in December when, again, the immunisation process was “accelerated” taking into account that the vast majority have been to inoculate booster doses.

Minister Ana Barceló has considered that with these figures “it is clear the responsibility that citizens are showing, as well as the tireless work of the vaccination teams.” Barceló has shown its gratitude to the professionals who are part of these teams “for their daily dedication and their effort to continue protecting us day by day with the administration of the vaccine.”