The Urban Cleanliness councillor of the Torrevieja City Council, Carmen Gómez, reports the removal of 260 tons of rubble and garbage in waste ground located in the vicinity of the Torrevieja International Auditorium during this last week.

Gómez has requested “neighbourhood collaboration to report to the Local Police the facts at the time of occurrence to arrest the perpetrators of these acts that carry a fine and that may constitute an environmental crime ”.

She also wanted to state that “all the points are being cleaned, waiting for the Environment Unit of the Local Police to find the perpetrators.” At the same time, she recalled that individuals can deposit small amounts of rubble in the ECOPARQUE for free.

From the Department of Urban Cleaning they continue with the constant fight to avoid the proliferation of rubbish dumps on the outskirts of the city, with precise instructions to the Local Police units to “try to combat this scourge that affects the municipal coffers producing an expense of thousands of euro”, she pointed out.

In addition to the police action that is being carried out, citizen collaboration is necessary by alerting at the moment in which the unlawful act is taking place, so that the authorities can intervene and take the appropriate measures in this regard.

Carmen Gómez has indicated that a map of illegal dumps is being carried out to carry out specific surveillance actions, but she remembers that the participation of neighbours is essential to be able to put an end to this type of illegal practices.