- ‘It’s a very, very proud day. I never dreamt he would get the BEM’ – Stevie Spit’s mother Pearl
By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE
Entertainer Stevie Spit BEM has made his family Clan in Scotland very proud after being awarded his medal by British Ambassador Hugh Elliott in Orihuela Costa.
Stevie – Brian Thomas McLeod – was honoured in The Queen’s New Year Honours List in 2019 for his services to charities.
His mother Pearl and Nephew Jordan both attended a belated private Red carpet ceremony in La Florida on December 9.
Aberdeenshire based Pearl, who works in Victim Support, told The Leader: “It’s a very, very proud day. I never dreamt he would get this kind of award.
“I have always done voluntary work and found it very rewarding. I told him to concentrate on charity work in Spain, but you never think he’s listening to you.
“But on this occasion he was! The family in Aberdeenshire and throughout Scotland are very, very proud of him.”
Pearl revealed an insight into Stevie’s boyhood, when performing at Butlin’s: “He was at Butlin’s as a child with his grandparents. Singing on stage.
“But when he’d finished his song – he got up to sing another – they had to drag him off the stage!”.
Stevie’s nephew, Glasgow born Jordan McLeod told The Leader: “I’m really proud of him. It’s lovely he’s been able to be a big hit in entertainment. “The British Empire Medal is a big honour, not just for him, but for all of the family.

“The family are really proud of him in getting the award for all the work he has done down the years.
“It’s not just about the BEM – but it’s always nice when you get the recognition.
“I’m so glad that my grandma could come over to Spain and be here to see Brian receive his award.”
Stevie said: “My mum gave me the best advice – to concentrate on my charity work – not the money, a big house and car, it’s not all about that. I’m glad I took her advice.”
Caption: Sealed with a kiss: Stevie Spit BEM and mum Pearl. Photo: Helen Atkinson