On Friday the 3rd there was a meeting at the Town Hall to promote “Universal accessibility for all” Luis Moya representing the Disabled group gave a speech about the inaccessibility for so many people living in Orihuela Costa.
The Deputy Mayor spoke about accessibility for all, but. really, does that include the disabled community of the coast, who have campaigned for improvements and better support for more than 10 years.
It may be a good idea to suggest to all the Councillors that they should spend one day here on the coast themselves in a wheelchair, electric scooter or wear a blindfold led by a guide dog, to find out exactly how unfriendly the coast is to the disabled, the blind and deaf community of Orihuela Costa.
This exercise proved to be very successful many years ago in Pilar de la Horadada, their Mayor and Councillors were encouraged to push and sit in wheelchairs around Pilar town with the hazards of high curbs and lack of dropped curbs. They instantly knew how it was to be a disabled person trying to access dangerous and hazardous obstacles around the Town.
Every disabled person struggles with everyday chores, especially going to the supermarket, Doctors or pharmacy, these trips have to be planned in advance.
What was the point of today’s meeting when no one was allowed to ask questions but only listen to self proclaiming hypocrites preach about equality and accessibility for all?
Enough is enough, the disabled community have the same rights as the able bodied community of Orihuela Costa. We should all work together, support the disabled campaign for universal accessibility for all.