For their November field trip, Los Alcázares Camera Club were invited to the home of member Nilam Wright who lives just outside the village of El Mirador.
With her sister, Nilam runs a business selling curry spice mixes, ‘Curry on Cooking’ so, apart from treating Club members to an excellent Indian meal, they had a demonstration of how to cook poppadoms over an open fire and of course a chance to take photos of Nilam’s charming finca.
As if this wasn’t excitement enough, Nilam is also being filmed for the Channel 5 TV programme ‘Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun’, and the cameras were still rolling for the visit of Los Alcázares Camera Club, so look out for their appearance in the new series, due to be back on your screens in the Spring.

Los Alcázares Camera Club is always looking for new members who can be permanent residents in Spain or ‘swallows’, as the Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month on ‘Zoom’ at 10.30am (Spain) or 9.30am (UK).
At this meeting members discuss their monthly photo competition and usually watch a photography workshop video. On the third Tuesday of the month, the Club has a field trip to take photographs followed by a meal to which family and friends are also invited.
Anyone interested in joining Los Alcázares Camera Club should have a look at the website or contact the Chairman, John Dorsett on 0034 966762715 or mobile 0034 606452445 or the Secretary, Pip Shail on