The latest meeting of the Veterans Breakfast Club, sponsored by The Orihuela Costa Branch of the RBL, was held on Tuesday at the Hi Life bar in Playa Flamenca.
Over 40 people attended the gathering, an initiative of Branch Welfare Worker Sandie Coates, which brought together many veterans from the local community, with the aim of providing support in mental health, wellbeing and mobility issues, making the most of RBL resources, and evolving in line with changes in the Armed Forces community.
As is usual, the morning got underway with half an hour of gentle exercise with our own Madam Motivator, Nicola, in which she encouraged participants with a little music and chat.

This was followed by a light breakfast which gave those partaking, many of who have no previous association with the military, the opportunity to meet new friends and to chat over croissants, tea and coffee.
However, attending the October meeting were two very special hands, both of who were at the very first gathering pre lockdown. Joy Trew a 95 year old former member of the RAF was able to reminisce with 94 year old D-Day Veteran, Joe Billet, about their many combined years with the services.
Thereafter David Minto, a local social worker and a veteran himself, gave a very interesting and informative presentation on UK Benefits that can be claimed by Expats living in Spain
David, of Advocacy Costa Blanca, an ex Welfare Officer for Help at Home, is a retired UK Social Worker who worked with the NHS for a number of years. Experienced in both UK and Spanish care systems, he imparted his wealth of knowledge identifying UK allowances/benefits available to those of us who live in Spain, which are available from the British Government to assist independent living.

Following a very helpful 45 minute presentation and Q&A, David stayed behind to chat to individuals and help with their individual queries.
Although launched for Veterans & their families, non service personnel are more than welcome to attend the meetings which are held on the last Tuesday of every month at the Hi Life Bar in Playa Flamenca starting at 11am.
The presentation at the October meeting will be from a speaker concentrating on TIE’s and Residencia, something that affects us all.
If you wish to attend PLEASE BOOK IN WITH SANDIE AT: or phone 645 290 078.