It seems earlier each year but, once again, Christmas is approaching, and with it the annual shoebox appeal.
This is an event run by WBro Freddie Samrai, aided and abetted by wife Carole, with the aim of giving needy children a little happier Christmas. This appeal is run annually by local Freemasons based all over the Province of Valencia.
The very simple idea is that as many of us as possible fill a shoebox with small toys for the many children who would otherwise receive very little, or even nothing. The filled shoeboxes, hopefully hundreds of then, will be given to the Red Cross for distribution to those children most in need.
If you feel you may be able to help, please see full details of how to help in the attached leaflet. Let’s try to make a difference. Thank you all in anticipation. Freddie can be reached on 661 126 359
Should you have more interest in the work of the Freemasons or, if you would like more information on becoming a member, please contact me on the following email address.