For the eighteenth year in a row Steve and Irene-Maria Campbell have hosted the MAGNETS Children’s Holiday Bible Club during July/August, this time under the theme ‘Run the Race’ inspired by the Tokyo Olympics.
In previous years MAGNETS was held in a Church building, but due to the Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures, this has been impossible. Instead, Steve and Irene-Maria opened their garden in the Punta Prima area to welcome two groups of children weekly: a group of young teens on Tuesdays and a younger group on Thursdays.
Each afternoon began with some special ‘Olympic’ sports which the children love as they are very competitive. They were taught a memory verse from the Bible which most were able to memorize for the following week. There followed a story from the Bible, learning about those who joined, started, stayed in and finished the race of life, following the Supreme Champion Jesus.

The children enthusiastically pitted their wits against each other as they tried to answer the quiz about the story they just heard; they concentrated so well a sea of hands went up with every question. Before finishing with juice and biscuits the children made a piece of craft to bring home with them, a reminder of the story that day.
The final day, prizegiving, saw each child receive a bag with prizes as well as being presented with their much coveted ‘gold’ medal. All the parents and grandparents who came also received a prize for their effort in bringing the children along. The smiling faces of the children showed it was all worth while and everyone is looking forward to next year’s MAGNETS!