The manager of a Go kart track in Orihuela Costa has denounced to the courts, the Torrevieja builder, Marcos y Bañuls SL, the owners of Cárnicas Aldin, “for malicious damage to it’s electrical power supply by preventing engineers from entering the area to effect repairs “an act of sabotage to the lighting towers that has left the company without electricity supply.”

José Luis Sánchez, attributes the situation to “a campaign of harassment that has gradually seen the reduction of its business area.” “The circuit has been maintained since it was set up 26 years ago, after going from fair to fair,” he explained. “However, it has recently had to close several facilities, such as the playground and the paintball enclosure, as well as relocate its popular restaurant, known for its sarmiento wood-fired rice dishes.”
He says that he has 30 staff who depend on him for their employment but the track has been without electricity for 3 weeks now, as Iberdrola refuse to carry out the repair, stating that they need a court order to go in to fix the line or the written permission of the landowners”.
The reason, he said, is that “a new development agency bought the neighbouring land from another developer.” “They have been squeezing me for two years to throw me out on the street,” he said. “Since then, the pressures have intensified. They are making my life impossible so that we have to close. They are adopting practices close to extortion, more typical of pirates than business people.”