The firm Gestión Ambiental Urbana, S.L.U. (Geamur), was the successful bidder for the service of collecting deposits of Posidonia alga from the beaches of Orihuela, as well as it’s removal and transportation to a treatment plant.
The company signed a 12 month contract, with an option to extend, for the amount of 67,100.00 euros / year with the possibility of an increase of 20% in year two.
The criteria for choosing this company was simply the best price.
The Department of Road Cleaning and RSU is responsible for removing the deposits of Posidonia Oceanica (algae) with the aim of safeguarding the regression of the beaches and reducing the loss of sand.

The Institute of Coastal Ecology, tell us that Posidonia or alga is a plant, it is not waste and stacking it up for drying is a procedure authorised and recommended by the General Directorate of Coasts to avoid excessive loss of sand.
Indeed the oceanic posidonia meadows, an endemic species of the shallow waters of the Mediterranean Sea, is synonymous with good water quality, well oxygenated and free from contamination.
The seaweed on the shore is dried throughout the winter by an environmental treatment to prevent erosion of the beach and for this reason it remains in place for long periods. This process is carried out following the recommendations of the ADEAC, of all the beach certification companies and of the European Union Environment.