Having endured two seasons of Covid 19 disruption, the Thursday darts committee are planning to resume formalities for a potential new ’21 / 22 season. Subject to government restrictions, possibly to be introduced in the coming 6 weeks or so, an August AGM is being scheduled, with an anticipated September start date.
Covid and Brexit matters have influenced many teams / individuals, Brexit, particularly affecting non residents, now facing 90 day compliance about turns, no good for respective captains expecting a full complement of players over a 7 month season.

The result has seen several teams reluctantly withdrawing, leaving a number of players without a Thursday side. Anyone finding themselves in this position should contact Simone de Lacy, for reassignment, where possible to other teams etc.
New teams wishing to join the popular league, or teams planning to change venues, should register their intent to Simone on simonedelacy@hotmail.co.uk by August 7th.