Quote: ‘It is impossible to walk – they eat us alive. Mainly in the school and the Institute – the children already have enough with the face masks – then are riddled with bites’
By Andrew Atkinson
Plagues of mosquitoes in Torrevieja and San Luis – amongst other areas – are that rife people are saying they cannot venture outside – despite the authorities spray-fumigating.
“In San Luis next to the de la Mata park we cannot go out due to mosquitoes,” said Torrevieja based Randi Veines.
Mosquitoes are out in abundance following the recent rainfalls that aids their breeding grounds and populations.
Areas fumigated by the Torrevieja Council health department includes, Freedom Walk and Fair, Park of Nations and adjacent areas: Turrets I, II and III.
Florida Turret, Greenway, Acequión and Portalicos, Calle Urano, Sol and Calle Venus.
Baths of Europe, El Hondo, Miguel de Cervantes Street, Unamuno Street, Hnos Quintero Street.
“The spraying of Florida Turret corner of Saviour Madarigara is needed – as it is impossible to go out,” said Katia Mulero.

“Neighbours in the area are fed up with the plague of mosquitoes – they are suffering. The previous fumigations have not given the result we all expected.
“We will have to find a way to be more effective for the future. It is impossible to lead a normal daily life in these conditions,” said Rodolfo Carmona from Torrevieja.
“Myself and my son were almost ‘eaten alive’ by mosquitoes when we went out shopping,” said Aroa Serrano Saiz.
“Florida is impassable with the mosquitoes out there,” said Rosa Maria Mompean Plata.
Criticism is cited at the speed the vehicle fumigation spraying travels, deemed too fast.
Torrevieja resident Elidia Martinez said: “It’s okay for the authorities to spray – but they go too fast – spraying goes behind the vehicle and does not get the result needed.”
Pilar Rodriguez echoed the point, adding: “If you just smoke the edge of the sidewalks and interior of grounds and parks is that going to help? No.”
Maria Norte from Torrevieja said: “Torrevieja Town Hall in Altos del Limonar, Torrevigia Institute, Colegio las Culturas – and gardens next to these areas – it is impossible to walk because they ‘eat us alive’.
“Mainly in the school and the Institute – where the children already spend enough with the (coronavirus) face masks – then are riddled with bites.”
A spokesperson from Torrevieja Health plague team said: “The pest team continues to spray the most affected areas.”
Captions: In San Luis/de la Mata Park we cannot go out due to mosquitoes – Randi Veines.
Torrevieja Health plague team continues to spray most affected areas.