Although there are still a small number of people, 80+ years of age, to be vaccinated, the Valencian Department of Health has now begun to summon those between the ages of 65 and 79 years to attend vaccination points from next Monday to receive the vaccine.
The president of the Generalitat said on Thursday that the inoculation of the 80+ group would be completed in the next seven days.
Many people have already received their appointments by text message, according to the information provided by the Generalitat, who say that for people in their 70’s, the Pfizer pharmaceutical vaccine will be used, while for those born in 1956 or after, the vaccine used will be AstreZeneca
The immunization of those born in 1956 will begin on Tuesday and Wednesday April 6 and 7 and people from across the entire health area, not just Torrevieja, have been asked to attend the Municipal Leisure Centre, known as the CMO, in Torrevieja, where approximately 4,000 members of the public are expected to receive the vaccine on those two days.

There will be 8 vaccination points available which, depending on the number of vaccines available, could be increased to 16.
The centre will be staffed by 21 medical staff (1 doctor, 8 administrative staff, 8 nurses and 4 nursing assistants). In addition, Civil Protection volunteers and Local Police officers will ensure the safety of all those who go to the Municipal Leisure Centre.
Of course, it goes without saying that only people who are provided with an appointment should attend the vaccination points otherwise you will be turned away.