The Spanish government have just published their relief package for the Valencia region due to the impact of covid has had on several industries,
There is a total figure of 160,000,000 and the break down is this,
€100 for the Generalitat
€36 for the Diputation
€24 for the Ayuntamientos
We understand that Orihuela got just over €3,000,000 for affected businesses and individuals.
When you break it down even further for businesses and individuals this is an almighty slap in the face for those in Orihuela Costa who have paid, paid and paid into the system, whilst they have been running their enterprises.
These people are not looking for charity, just some payback now they are in such a dire situation. It is a scandal that it is already too late for some.
We have been asked several times where the €200 billion is going/gone.
Of course there is a projected loss of revenue for the government, roughly €160 Billion. What we have to consider is that roughly 51% of the work force is employed by the government, local government etc, and due to the drastic drop in revenue in taxes and so forth from the commercial sector they have to make up the serious shortfall somehow.
That’s where the 200 billion EU funding for covid would appear to come in. If it is being used to top up that shortfall and supplement government salaries it is denying businesses and individuals the real support they need/deserve. If so, this is a disgrace by the powers that be and very short sighted,
In the UK and Ireland they are handing out none refundable grants to businesses, ranging from £8-12,000, then an additional £3000 per month to cover covid and other business costs during the pandemic.
Every sector has been badly hit, there is a symbiotic relationship between every sector whether is hospitality, golf, rental, retail, even hairdressers, we all feed off each other.
The recent announcement of an extension to ERTE and a temporary halt in Social Security payments by companies with less than 50 employees DOES NOT STOP COMPANIES GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Somebody desperately needs to get this message across as this Government seems to think it’s saving jobs and companies, which it is not !!!”