This year has seen a great increase in the number of local families who are struggling financially, particularly due to the various lock-downs and the general restrictions placed on both businesses and families. So, when the Javea based Red Cross launched an appeal for Christmas presents, for needy children, our “Dinner Ladies” set to and raised a magnificent sum of more than seven hundred euros.

The ‘Dinner Ladies’ are the wives and partners of the Freemasons of Javea Lodge No 40.
This fantastic sum was enough to fill twenty large bags with gifts for the boys and girls aged between three and sixteen years.
Pictured here is Mrs Margaret March with Mrs Muriel Shilan the wife of our Provincial Grand Master, and RW Bro Michael Shilan himself, whose shop, “Humpty Dumpty”, received some of the many gifts. Shown here with the car loaded ready to deliver to the Red Cross depot in Javea.

Margaret and the Red Cross wish to thank all the Ladies for their generosity. RW Bro Michael Shilan also congratulated the ladies on their tremendous effort. Hopefully, these children will have a better Christmas than they would otherwise have had. Many, many thanks to all the generous and warm-hearted donors who gave so many gifts.