Despite it’s recent troubled past, during which the Torrevieja Homeless charity almost closed it’s doors, the future now looks far more secure for Reach Out, Extiende de Mano, thanks to a most generous donation of 20,000 euros and 2,000 facemasks from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Torrevieja.
Back in June, the situation looked extremely bleak when, despite being promised deferment of their outstanding debts by Prime Minister Sanchez, Hacienda chose to ignore the government assurances, as they wiped clean the Reach Out bank account.
In so doing they put the charity on the very brink of bankruptcy, forcing over a hundred homeless and more than 40 underprivileged families back into destitution, but thanks to a phone call from Orihuela Costa businessman Ray Kearney, who is also a Church Counsellor to Bishop Mauricio Delmastro, the situation has now been completely turned around.
It was all brought to a climax on Friday, at the charity headquarters in Calle Bella Antonia 1, when Reach Out President David Young, was able to personally thank Bishop Mauricio, his wife Viviana, Ray Kearney and church officials, Tony Rayton, Avril Rayton and Ruben Lopez, at an event attended by the Danish born Councillor for International Residents, Coexistence and Integration, Gitte Lund Thomsen.
He spoke of his despair during the early part of the ‘lockdown period’ describing his fears and the devastating effect that any closure might have on the homeless and needy of Torrevieja. He explained how the charity really was a last resort for so many, individuals as well as families, who had fallen through, or were unable to register with the official welfare system.
“The phone call I received from the church was an answer to my prayers. I was at a stage where I didn’t know where or who I should turn to, but after my conversation with Mr Kearney I could see that people did care, and I knew that everything was going to be alright”.

“Mr Kearney put me in touch with Cartagena Director of Public Affairs, Susana Lorente, who was so very helpful in processing the grant from the very beginning. She ensured that we had all the paperwork in order and maintained contact, on our behalf, with the offices of the Latter-day Saint Charities in Utah. The end result was the magnificent donation that we can celebrate today.”
“During the early part of lockdown as our funds were quickly diminishing, we survived ‘hand over mouth’ thanks to the generosity of other charities such as Euro Leisure, which contributes on a monthly basis, Guardamar Golf Society, and many other individuals who also help out with donations and with Carrefour food vouchers, many of who wish to remain anonymous. We are now in the enviable position whereby we can pay our taxes through monies raised in the shop and we can afford to feed our dependant individuals and families from those other donations.”
Bishop Mauricio said he was delighted that his church could help in some small way. “It has been a privilege for The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints to collaborate with ‘Reach out Extienda la mano’, in the very important work – especially in these times – of helping the poor and needy as Our Lord Jesus Christ asked us,” he told The Leader.
The endowment from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints has now been lodged in the El Campo bank account in La Zenia from which Reach Out are able to draw foodstuffs and other essential items on a monthly basis.
Davy Young explained that at this time the charity is currently unable to open it’s restaurant because of Government health restrictions although the needy can still collect both daily and weekend food packs. Similarly the main charity shop is open from Monday to Friday. It is extremely well stocked and current sales, although they could be better, are allowing to charity to meet it’s overheads.
In the shop, which opens from 10 – 2 Monday to Friday, visitors can purchase quality pre owned Ladies & Gents clothes, children’s clothing, NEW handmade children’s knitwear, bedding, small electrical items, a multilingual library of books, bric a brac and all sorts of furniture. Items can also be collected from your home, or delivered to your home for a small fee.
More information on Reach Out Extiende de Mano is available by Telephone on +34 965 71 3063 or by email at:
The Latter-day Saint Charities responds to the needs of persons in extremity throughout the world, without regard to race, religion or nationality. It has benefitted tens of millions of people in more than one-hundred eighty countries, donating over $2.3 billion in recent years. The contribution to Reach Out Torrevieja is part of a 2020 fund of €20 million that is currently being allocated to good causes across Europe.
In Torrevieja the church meets every Sunday morning at 10am at Rambla Juan Mateo 104. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.