- ‘Everybody is taking it a month at a time here in Spain, amidst the latest coronavirus outbreak’.
Andrew Atkinson talks to Irish born musician and vocalist ‘The Piano Man’ Benny Conway, whose Sir Elton John and Billy Joel tribute concerts have rocked the Costa Blanca, in Part 2 of an exclusive interview.
CAMPOAMOR music and singing star Benny Conway looked to Van Morrison, Billy Joel and Sir Elton John, who have influenced his career in Spain.
“Music-wise Van Morrison has been an influence, along with Billy Joel and Elton John, who I saw both in concert at Crow Park in Dublin,” said Benny.
“From that today, myself and wife Sonia have a show billed ‘Side-By-Side’,” said Benny, who performed live from home across the internet during the initial coronavirus lockdown, on Live Lounge Costa Blanca.
“Another memory back home was playing in Larry’s Piano Bar in Bedford Street, Belfast. The family all grew up in Magherafelt – we were all part of the furniture, I guess,” said Benny.
“My father, whose shop was Conway Bros. Magherafelt, would give people credit payments regularly for shoes, etc,” reminisced Benny, looking back on his childhood days.
Benny, planning a trip back home, the coronavirus situation permitting, said: “I want to go back and tour Ireland, but right now I don’t know how accessible that’s going to be with COVID-19.

“Here in Spain the shows are mainly for ex-pats. So hopefully one of my goals will come to fruition, sooner rather than later. I am hoping to do ten gigs over a period of time back home.”
Benny, who teaches piano lessons at King’s College in Murcia, Spain, and at the Conway Piano Studio in Campoamor, for private students, said: “I have achieved all my piano exams taken and am classically trained, having obtained a Music Diploma.”
With the directive from the Spanish Government events have been cancelled, due to the coronavirus outbreak: “I’m just hoping that businesses survive, because there will be a knock-on effect. Let’s hope that it gets better.
“Along with pencilling in a visit back home to Ireland, I plan to attack the cruiseships, when things get better.
“Everybody is taking it a month at a time here in Spain, amidst the latest coronavirus outbreak,” added Benny.