The Anglican Parish of Churches in the Community, which includes Campoverde Church and San Fulgencio Church, is delighted to announce that we are about to embark on an exciting new phase of our mission to take our message of the Good News of Jesus Christ out into our communities.
Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano is coming to formally welcome each of our Churches into the Anglican Church in Spain (Iglesia Espanola Reformada Episcopal) on Sunday September 20. This is a great honour to us and, as far as we know, is the first time a Bishop has visited either Campoverde or San Fulgencio.
We want all our communities to have the opportunity to meet him and join with us in this celebration.
At each Church (details below) Bishop Carlos will preach at a Service of Holy Communion to include readings from the bible, prayers and hymns you know and love. He will be assisted by Rev Terry Baxter, our Priest, and members of the congregation.
At the service, Bishop Carlos will formally licence our Priest, Lay Readers and Assistant Lay Readers into the Anglican Church in Spain. After each service there will be a chance to meet and chat to Bishop Carlos informally and to share in refreshments. Details for each Church are as follows:

Starting at 10am on September 20th, our service in San Fulgencio will take place in the Catholic Church in the square in the village. Afterwards there will be a chance to meet and chat to Bishop Carlos in the café next to the church, followed by lunch In The Olde 9th Bar Restaurant. Anyone who wishes to attend the lunch please let Marguerite Jackson know on
Starting at 6pm on September 20th, our service in Campoverde will take place in the Church Garden next to the Church, in order to safely accommodate all who wish to attend. Afterwards, there will be a chance to meet and chat to Bishop Carlos in the garden where light refreshments will be available.
We want everyone in our communities to feel a part of this occasion, whether you are Church-goers or not. Our Churches are here for everyone in the good times and the bad and all the bits in between.
The photographs show Bishop Carlos and Rev Terry Baxter.
Further information about the service from Rev Terry Baxter on, Andrew Briant (for San Fulgencio) on, or Maggie Dew (for Campoverde) on
Maggie Dew
Interesting article about the conversion of the former Church of England communities of San Fulgencio and Campoverde, to the Spanish Episcopal Reformed Church.
As is stated, the Spanish Episcopal Reformed Church is part of the Anglican family of churches, under the auspices of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is, however a separate entity from the Church of England.
However, authentic Church of England services are still conducted by the Anglican Chaplaincy of St Peter and St Paul. Due to the current restrictions their services are conducted at La Siesta church near Torrevieja. Also, due to these restrictions, the singing of hymns is not currently permitted.
Hope this clears up any ambiguity.