- RAF jets scrambled to intercept Ryanair flight – surrounded by armed police
By Andrew Atkinson
RAF jets were scrambled to intercept a Ryanair flight – which was surrounded by armed police at Stansted Airport following a security threat.
Two Typhoons were dispatched to intercept the flight on August 30, which left Vienna, Austria, at around 6.15pm and landed in the UK just over an hour later.
One woman who said she was onboard said: “Armed police took away two men and suspicious objects!”
The objects are said to have been found in the toilet of the aircraft.

The passenger, said on Twitter: “Our plane is being held – with armed police all round. They told us to put our seat belts back on.
“They found suspicious objects in the toilets and called the police. The police came on board and took two men away. All seems ok now. That was scary!”.
Ryanair have confirmed that police are investigating following a security threat onboard the flight from Vienna, with two RAF Typhoons scrambled to Stansted Airport.