- Press Release: Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa
Every day I hear the noise of the firemen….is Orihuela Costa reaching a crisis point?
More houses for sale and reducing the price makes no difference (over the last 6 months have gone from 2700 to 3400 and up), dirty streets, congested roads with holes damaging the tyres of our cars,… and still the PP / CIUDADANOS ruling our town selling more pieces of land to build yet more unnecessary houses and allowing more houses to get built.
Are we going to do nothing? Waiting for a total disaster?
We have heard that companies in the area, after months not paying rent are disappearing in the thin air … we see more restaurants trying to cope and with enormous debts and expect to see many of hem closing down in September…and although we can say this is due to COVID, in Orihuela there is an added problem…lack of infrastructure.
Thousands of people living here are not registered. There are many reasons, for instance the difficulty in doing so. But let us concentrate in one family as a paradigm. 2 parents and 5 children.
They are all registered in Torrevieja as the children go to music school there and use their facilities!
There are hundreds families like this example. With the CDM closed, the civic centres closed, with no library, no place to study music/dance/ languages, with no place to study such as a library,…with dirty roads, dirty kerbs, poor services ( although we pay them ), what is the future of Orihuela Costa?

Spend money in services and people will register and therefore money will flow into Orihuela. A resident is equal to 40 tourists coming here for 1 week.
And the shops and restaurants will have steady clients, not just relying in a couple of months. And what tourists encounter when they come here? Noise, dirt, lack of everything. The FUTURE of our TOWN, ORIHUELA COSTA, is the RESIDENT.
No more houses until the ones for sale are sold. No more houses until we have proper services. And the businessmen around…if you do not exert pressure on this lazy and inept Town Hall your business will collapse.
Orihuela Costa has a future, but only if we are united against this Town Hall and vote them out. Your money is important, isn’t it? The quality of life is important as well, isn’t it? The future of our children are important, aren’t they?
But nothing will be achieved without effort.