- Press release – Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa
It is no secret that Orihuela Costa is disintegrating before our very eyes.
It is our opinion that there are 3 people who should be held accountable and that our Mayor, Mr Bascunana should take the ultimate blame.
Then there is our Councillor for Cleaning, that is Damasco Aparicio and the Councillor responsible for Infrastructure who is Angel Noguera Garcia.
Let’s start with Bascunana. His biased treatment towards the coast, that is the only way you can describe his actions.
Our missing footbridge for one, it was not in his interest to push the Developer to get the bridge built, instead he was just kept giving meaningless ultimatums which they completely ignored.
Next our Cultural Centre. They have the €40,000 for the feasibility study and around €2,000,000 to build it, but that is not in his interest as that would be a focal point where possibly Groups/ Associations would meet and become more unified.
The promise earlier this month of a Civic Centre for all ages and nationalities including a Mother & Toddler and a Youth Club would be ideal. Will this promise be kept?
A Cultural Centre is what we need now. Every town in Spain has one, which includes a Library and Auditorium for Drama and Music, entertainment for everyone to have access to and enjoy as our right as Spanish Citizens.

His biased budgets. Orihuela Costa contributes the most, 49% of the total revenue comes from the coast. In monetary terms roughly €45-50,000,000 a year, but what we get back from the budget puts us at the bottom on spending per person.
Now for our Councillors. The last few weeks there has been a real backlash towards the Council and Aparicio for the decline of cleaning the coast as it is his responsibility. There is a massive shortage of bins, especially the recyclable ones throughout the coast.
There doesn’t seem to be any planned preventative maintenance, instead it is run on an ad hoc basis, but if we did have more bins, then there is also a massive shortage of signs to put on the bins dictating when you can put your rubbish out and who to phone if you have large items We should have Eco parks around Orihuela Costa for builders and garden maintenance contractors etc., to take their waste instead of dumping it outside residents homes.
Now for the Councillor in charge of Infrastructure, Angel Garcia.
The roads are disintegrating because his lack of planned preventative maintenance. There was/is a budget of 3.3 million for potholes, surely they could not have spent it already? The amount of damaged tyres we are getting reports of is unforgivable and now they want to BUILD, BUILD, BUILD more properties here on the coast when we have a glut of empty properties already and steadily growing. These so called Councillors and our inept Mayor can’t control what we have now, they just view it as extra revenue for them to plunder.
The resentment against Orihuela Council because of their unfair treatment against the coast is escalating day after day, so we need to channel that emotion and energy to prepare ourselves for the next local elections May 28th 2023 and let’s vote these nefarious people out of Orihuela Costa and become Independent. Together we can!