By Andrew Atkinson
Moncayo market, Guardamar, is slowly getting back into the swing after re-opening their popular Saturday market, amid COVID-19 lockdown laws that were put in place in mid-March.
“We have been pretty lucky at the moment, with regards to the coronavirus,” Colette Flatley, who resides at Formentera told The Leader.
Colette, who runs the Speciality Sausages stall – known as the Scouse Cafe – at Moncayo market with husband Colin, said: “We also have a cafe at Lemon Tree market – which is half-capacity.
“We were burgled at the Lemon Tree market during closedown, but the officials reimbursed all repair costs.”
Colin Flatley, who has been trading at Moncayo market for eight years, said: “Business at present is okay after re-opening two weeks ago. People will always want a drink and food.”
And Colin quipped: “We’re not breaking any records – and could still do with winning the Lotto!”.
The market stalls were not to full capacity, but hundreds of punters strolled around Moncayo as the COVID-19 crisis continues.