- 60 firefighters and 10 firengines save historic site
By Andrew Atkinson
Blackpool’s Victorian Central Pier has suffered no structural damage after a fireball engulfed the historical site – that saw 60 firefighters and ten firengines race to the scene.
Aerial ladder platforms were mobilised – in a dramatic bid to save the pier built in 1868.
Owner of Blackpool’s three piers Peter Sedgwick, said no damage to the structure of the pier had occurred.
He said his family were ‘devastated’ following the news of the fire and thanked Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service members in controlling the blaze.
“Following a meeting the structure of the pier was found not to be damaged. We lost decking which we are replacing. So it is perfectly safe for the public,” said Sedgwick.
Staff from the pier company held a meeting with health and safety experts, Lancashire Fire and Rescue officials and loss adjusters to discuss when the pier, built in 1868 and 339m long, can re-open.

The fire area was cordoned off, with hoardings and utilities reconnected, prior to visitors allowed back onto the pier.
The fire broke out in a workshop area and fire crews from Blackpool, South Shore and Bispham were called out at 3.19am on July 18.
The alarm, initially raised by a security guard, lead to fire crews arriving to find the fire had spread to a nearby Waltzer ride down the Victorian pier and called for extra assistance.
Blackpool Council was informed as the fire was ongoing and had its emergency planning officer on standby.