By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE

Villamartin based snooker star Willie Thorne was rushed to hospital on Wednesday evening, June 10, after more concerns about his health.

Thorne had regained some movement in his arms amid concerns about his condition, after returning home from Torrevieja hospital last week.

“Willie has some movement back in his arms, which is fantastic, and he is much more upbeat and positive in his mood,” said carer and close friend Julie O’Neill.

Thorne, 66, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia in Torrevieja hospital, had returned home a fortnight ago, but there were still concerns about his illness.

O’Neill sought legal advice following fears that he had sepsis throughout his body, after being unable to move his arms and legs.

“We have managed to get a clearer picture from the medical professionals now going forward, and are able to formulate a care plan more efficiently for him,” said O’Neill.

Thorne, who has undergone multiple blood transfusions, additionally suffering gout and a fever, underwent heart and MRI scans, after being rushed to hospital in May. Since then many further medical tests have been undertaken.

The GoFundMe campaign launched on his behalf, with a target of €30,000, has raised €20,500 to help pay for carer costs and other outgoings.

Thorne has thanked people for their messages and donations which he said are ‘truly humbling’.

*Thorne also especially thanked Andrew Atkinson and the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader newspaper for their reports and overage following his leukaemia diagnosis and subsequent illnesses, in raising awareness to help him financially through his GoFundMe campaign.

“Andrew Atkinson has been very kind and generous with his time and this has been really appreciated by Willie Thorne,” said close friend Mark Roe.

Sky TV golf broadcaster and British golfer Mark added: “Every column inch is helpful locally and internationally, to bring awareness in trying help someone in a difficult situation.

“And thanks goes to Andrew for constantly being constructive.”

Thorne’s condition at present is unknown.

If you would like to contribute to Willie’s support the Gofundme page can be found below: