The Government has now sent a guide of standardised sanctions to be imposed on those who breach the restrictions introduced throughout the Spanish territory by the state of alarm, the object being that fines are the same across Spain.
This document includes, for example, the fine for travelling without authorisation to a second residence which has been set at 1,500 euros.
The fine for an unauthorised movement is 601 euros and, in the event that the person deliberately refusing to produce identification to the authorities, this fine would increase to 1,500 euros.
A case of contempt to an agent will cost the perpetrator 2,000 euros rising to 10,400 euros when there is violence or a threat, as long as it does not constitute a criminal offense.
The highest fine of 10,400 euros would be issued to those involved in the organisation or participation in celebrations or common activities, depending on the level of risk by virtue of the number of people, circumstances and their proximity.