- The Ministry will also distribute 1,700 laptops for teachers and management teams
The Generalitat Ministry of Education will have 10,000 tablets with an integrated Internet connection to help students who are having difficulty following distance learning from home because they do not possess an electronic device. This measure is part of a global acquisition of devices by the Ministry of Finance, for different areas of the Generalitat.
According to Education Minister Marzà: “The equipment for Education will be the property of the institutes as an extraordinary endowment and while this situation lasts they will be used by students who do not have an electronic device or an Internet connection at home”, adding “We will send them directly to the homes of each student and when the confinement ends they will be required to returned to the educational centres”.
It will be the addresses of the educational centres that will determine which students will receive this support material. Priority will be given to students in the 2nd year of Bachillerato and the 2nd year of the FP training cycles, which are those who are looking toward obtaining a degree. Once these students are suitably equipped, if the centre still has devices, they will be distributed among the ESO students who are in need.
The Minister Vicent Marzà said that “with this new measure we avoid creating a gap between students who have access to technology at home and those who do not. It has always been and always will be our priority to ensure equal opportunities for all students regardless of their social and economic circumstances. “So now more than ever we must serve the population that is more vulnerable and we believe that with the provision of these tablets we will better ensure distance learning in cases where it is necessary.”
The Tablets with Internet connection will be purchased from Telefónica and Huawei.
In addition, the Ministry will also purchase some 1,700 laptops for the management teams of all public educational centres, so that they can reinforce their distance coordination work with the teachers in their educational centres.
In addition, students also have remote monitoring and learning through telephone communication with their teachers and faculty, who set the learning guidelines for them through the Xarxa Llibres textbooks and the content that they all have prepared.