Both the Orihuela and Torrevieja City Councils launched municipal information web pages last week providing comprehensive information about the Coronavirus.
The Orihuela pages are contained on the current Ayuntamiento website. Unfortunately they are predominantly images overlaid with text in Spanish so automatic translate is not available. The Torrevieja site, however, a brand new site which is text based so providing you have the translate widget installed on your computer or you use google chrome you can automatically translate into the language of your choice.
Both sites nevertheless contain a great deal of useful, and most importantly, official information so they are well worth a visit.
Both allow access by the public to the different council areas and municipal services while the limitations on face-to-face meetings continue.
They can be accessed at: or

Launched a week earlier was the Valencia Community coronavirus website at
That too includes advice and instructions across a multitude of subjects including the virus itself, advice for those who are sick, isolated at home, self-employed, employed, as well as the business community and is probably a better option for those who want rather more detailed information.