Nearly two dozen people have been slightly injured after the cabin of a British Airways flight in which they were travelling filled with smoke immediately on landing at Manises airport. The passengers had to leave the aircraft through evacuation ramps.
The incident occurred at 7 pm on Monday evening, when the BA plane had landed at the airport and the cabin filled with smoke as soon as it touched ground, and the reasons for which are still unknown.
The Emergency Centre of the Generalitat Valenciana received a notification alerting them that a fire had been detected in one of the engines of the plane on landing, although, when the firemen arrived on the scene there was no fire, only thick clouds of smoke.
Cabin crew took the decision to disembark the passengers via emergency chutes.

As a result, three people were mildly intoxicated by the smoke and were been transferred to local hospitals. A further twelve passengers required treatment for injuries suffered during their descent on the aircraft slides or for anxiety.
Passengers have criticised the company via Twitter, as they say they had to go down the emergency ramps without knowing what was happening. They were not given any explanation even when the smoke was appearing, or why they were made to go down the ramps after they had already landed.
According to Emergencies, air traffic was either held up or diverted for about 25 minutes but was subsequently restored.