10 dancers and their teacher Paris Brumitt from Essence Dance & Fitness traveled along with their families to Rome the weekend of the 12th-15th of July, where they competed in the Great European Finals of Vive Tu Sueño amongst many other talented dancers and countries.
After some sight seeing on the arrival it was time for Baby Essence to take the stage at The Auditorium Del Massimo on Sunday the 14th. July.These young dancers qualified back in March in Madrid at the national finals with 3rd intermediate, meaning they represented Spain in the European Finals where they placed with an amazing 2nd place and went from being intermediate to advanced level meaning they are now European SubChampions!!

Words can’t describe how extremely proud I am of them all and the feeling of wining the European title for HipHop, with all the dancer being such a young age, our youngest being now 5 and the oldest 8, it’s a great achievement to say they qualified and danced in the European finals but to say they are now champions is unbelievable!
The whole team all work extremely hard and all I can say is hard work sure pays off, there’s nothing better than seeing all their little faces light up on that stage when they dance and to see them all having the time of their life’s doing something they all love, but when they get announced winners it’s incredible!
It’s been a great season with levels and competitions getting higher and harder but everyone keeps working hard and upping their game and it’s safe to say this has been one of our best years and as I always say onwards and upwards and the hard work continues ready for next season!
We shall be holding auditions the first week of September for everyone and anyone wanting to join and compete in our teams this coming season 2019/20, for more information please contact principle Paris on 638 591 139 – essencedanceandfitness@gmail.com or find us on facebook EssenceDanceAndFitness
I would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has helped and supported us throughout our journey and season, specially all the parents, family and friends and our sponsors:
-Quesada Fish & Chips
-Comaskey Rentals
-EcoCity Torrevieja
-Avanza Mobility
-CEIP Las Culturas & their AMPA team
-Go Home to Spain
From the bottom of my heart thankyou everyone and a big big big well done to all my amazing little super stars!!