Congratulations to this years WINNERS Carol and Dudley Davies from BBC. Beating Harry and Jackie Johnston from Quesada in the final. Losing semi finalists were Paul Trunchion and Clive Scott and Leigh Weatherall and Stewart Beattie both teams from El Cid. Special mention for Leigh as this was his first competition and has only been bowling for a few months! The 3 day competition saw an exciting last days bowling with some big changes in group positions following the last group games. 5 group winners plus 3 best runners up going through to the quarter final. All 8 teams progressing had scored at least 4 wins out of 5!

At the presentations Club Captain Yvonne Briden thanked Andrew Walkerdine from sponsors HomeEspana for their continued generous support, the competition organizers Match Secretary Stewart Beattie and Tournament Secretary Paul Trunchion and all the staff at El Cid.
The competition this year had an entry of 30 teams with 7 different bowls clubs represented including La Marina and Quesada from South of Alicante. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year.