As you may well have heard and seen already, we have a new project for the elections in May 2019, details below.
Also an important event that we have programmed for tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon at the Parador in Mojacar with the General director of integration and coordination of general affairs of the E.U Mr. Pascual. He is coming to Mojacar straight from attending the European council meeting this weekend with the President, Mr. Pedro Sanchez. The meeting will be held in English and will be important information relevant to how Brexit will affect British expats in Spain.
PSOE and SOMOS MOJACAR will stand together at the upcoming local elections.
Both groups wish to ‘lift the spirits of the voters’ to bring about the change that everyone would like for the Town Hall.
“After many years of working together for the town, and after a period of dialogue, we are happy to announce that we have decided to join our forces and unite our teams to stand strong together for the next municipal elections in Mojacar” announced Manuel Zamora, general secretary for PSOE of Mojacar, and Jessica Simpson, leader of SOMOS MOJACAR.
Zamora and Simpson agree that joining together for the elections is the only way forward: “We have worked together during the last eight years on the opposition against the PP, we know each other well, we share common concerns and we are sure that we need to unite to achieve the political change that Mojacar needs after 32 years of Rosa Maria Cano in the Town Hall”
The formula for this proposed candidacy is an open list of candidates on the PSOE, in which members of SOMOS MOJACAR will be integrated on this list, as independents. A candidacy of consensus that, they confirm will: “combine youth and maturity, it will be strong, energetic and, above all, a winner – where members of both teams will put people above partisanship”.
Izquierda Unida, which, through this last legislation has formed part of SOMOS MOJACAR, has however decided to stand in a separate list as due to its party policies it cannot form part of an open list as independents. Both Jessica and Manuel wish them all the best, and they are sure that Carlos Rodriguez will do a great job, and they don’t rule out future agreements.

Awareness and work capabilities.
“The PSOE and SOMOS MOJACAR have worked together as a team to investigate, point out and report all of the illegalities committed by the governing team. We have coordinated and presented together, many propositions and motions to improve our town. We have defended our citizens from the PP’s attacks against them. All in all, we have defended common rights and welfare from the opposition. But now the time has come to govern together after the elections, to return the dignity to our fellow citizens, improving their daily lifestyle after so much injustice and illegalities that they have had to endure on behalf of Rosa Maria Cano for so long”.
We want to awaken Mojacar, for it to rise from this lethargy, take actions that benefit residents, business owners and visitors alike. We want to look after our town, its people, and encourage them to participate in the decision making. We have the eagerness, the sensitivity and the capacity of work to do so. We want to spark the illusion in the voters to bring about the change everyone wishes for!”.
On behalf of PSOE and SOMOS Mojacar we would like to inform our neighbours that they can consult their status on the electoral roll by calling the INE (National Institute of Statistics) on the number 950281739.
This must be done in Spanish, ask for the ‘Censo’ and they will request some personal information to confirm your inclusion or not on the census.This is not the same as the Padron, the Padron is the register of those who reside in the town. The census, electoral roll, is the just for the elections but you must first be on the Padron to be included on the census.
Spanish citizens register on the padron and automatically have the right to vote, they will remain on the padron and census, where they are registered until they prove that they are residing in a different place. This is not the same for foreigners who have to re-register every five years if resident, or every two if non resident. Their native countries’ agreement with Spain will dictate whether or not they can vote in the local elections.
But to be able to vote, a foreigner must request and ‘declare their intent to vote’ on a separate form to the Padron. If you do not reconfirm your residency in Mojacar on the Padron every two or five years, you will be deleted by the Town from both padron and census when information is transferred to the INE annually . PSOE and SOMOS Mojacar reported last year to the press that following the last two padron revisions there seemed to be irregularities, as many well known neighbours were deleted.
There was not a meticulous investigation of those being deleted and this could have lead to people being removed intentionally from the Padron, by those in power, to tilt the political scale in their favour. We believe the latest regularisation of the padron was not accurate, there was no press statements or much information about this either.
So because of this we want people to know that they have the right to call and see if they are elegible to vote (number provided above), and if not, they could possibly be included in the claim period against the new census from the 8th to the 15th of April, where the electoral roll will be available to view in person at the Town Hall and claims can also be submitted at this time.