Who just leaves their horse tied up to a palm tree on the side of the road? We’ll never know because this latest rescue has no microchip or any other forms of identification. The Policia Local in Albatera got in contact with Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC) on the advice of Seprona from a neighbouring town.
This is so reassuring as there is a growing interest amongst the authorities regarding animal welfare and the Rescue Centre is seeing more and more cases of Law Inforcement being willing to act to save an animal knowing there is somewhere safe for them to be.
Two young Police Officers met Rod Weeding, Co-Founder, at the Albatera police station to complete the necessary paperwork for her to be transported legally to the safety of the Rescue Centre. Then they took him to the location and with their assistance and that of several other helpful bystanders they eventually loaded her into the horse box.

Rod said : ‘It was quite a struggle trying to coax and encourage her with bits of grass and treats to get into the trailer. There were 2 elderly guys and 2 young girls who helped and there were several others bystanders who were interested in what was happening. But it still took over an hour to finally get her into the trailer.’ The Police were fantastic.
This stunning mare now called Megan is about 3 years old. She has been seen by the vet Dorothea and at least she is not in foal as that was a preoccupation. Foals are seriously cute but with nearly 120 horses, ponies and donkeys already at EHCRC they really didn’t need any more!
Megan is settling into her new surroundings but it is becoming increasingly clear that she has suffered some traumatic experience or most likely been locked away as she appears to be ‘agorophobic’.
Megan seems quite settled and at home in her stable, with her little neighbours, the recently rescued pony mum and baby mule but as soon as she gets out into the open she just appears to totally panic. She is generally terrified of the horses but seems to cope better with the donkeys and miniatures. She just cannot cope with being let off to run free. On her first day out she just bolted and galloped blindly around the fields sending fences flying everywhere.
On the next couple of outings it became clear that she did not know how to behave when in the open air. So with regular short walks throughout the day out into the fields, building her confidence with time and patience, is the best way forward. This is not a problem for the Centre as Co-Founder Sue Weeding said : ’Time is not an issue, whatever Megan needs Megan will get. Right now we are most concerned with her psychological wellbeing and helping her adapt to a new confident way of living, slowly and patiently is our goal’
EHCRC are Megan’s custodians now and they will do whatever it takes to build this beautiful girls confidence and help her to have a happy healthy life.
EHCRC are a non-profit organization with no governmental funding. It’s thanks to Sue and Rod Weeding and the generosity of all the donators and volunteers that this invaluable service continues.
If you would like to become a supporter then check out the website www.easyhorsecare.net for all information about donating financially or donating articles such as good quality furniture for the Charity Shops and you’ll find information too on their Open Days on the first Sunday of the month and much much more.