The weather was absolutely beautiful, and for a December day it really didn’t feel like the usual Christmas eclectic mix of wet, cold ,wind, frost and all the other features that we came to Spain to avoid !!
The staff at La Torre were, as always, very obliging and made us all most welcome. Sitting on the Patio enjoying a coffee and the view prior to commencing our Stableford competition we were informed that the ground staff were upgrading the quality of the sand in the bunkers. So ALL bunkers were GUR!!! Unsurprisingly there were a few wry smiles from some of our members who do spend quite a bit of their time getting out of the bunkers ….. Expect some high scores!
The results were for (1-24 h/cps)
Nearest the pin on hole 9 and hole 15 and the longest drive on hole 8 were all won by Skye Furnace (11). A magnificent achievement.
Next on the leader board for 24-36 handicaps was Darrell Merrett (35) for nearest the pin on hole 3.
Steve Ingledow, currently playing off 28 until our Handicap Secretary gets his hands on him, won the longest drive on hole 12 and a very creditable second place with 39 points. His son won the completion last timeout.

The overall winner for the day was husband to Skye, Peter Furnace who also came in with 39 points but won on lower handicap. Well done to them all.
As mentioned earlier about the scores and GUR bunkers, and with Handicaps ranging from 8 to 36 , the total number of players coming in with 30 and over points was 24 out of 32 !!
Season’s greetings to you all and a peaceful New Year….see you at Lo Romero in January 2019.