Every Wednesday volunteers meet up at Barkinside animal rescue and sanctuary to walk those dogs awaiting their forever homes. Some bring their own dogs too!
The walk not only gives people the chance to see the dogs that are looking for homes but also to exercise the dogs and themselves. In addition it enables like-minded, dog loving people to meet and chat. The dogs have so much fun and these walks leave everyone feeling uplifted. Last Wednesday there were 20 dogs on the walk with 14 people.
In addition to the dog walking at Barkinside every week, guided walks are arranged at different times of the year in La Romana. Join us on the Winter Wonderland Walk on Sunday 09 December at 11am. We are meeting at The Old Bell in La Romana and the walk is an easy level and distance.

As always there will be Roger’s Random Raffle, cakes and goodies, refreshments and hot dogs for all the kids. Santa will be there to give presents to the children and if you bring your own dog dressed in a Christmas outfit you could win a prize!
So put this in your diary, join in the fun, dress up Christmassy if you wish and let us know if you would like to be allocated one of our dogs for the walk. Also if you are interested in having a stall, please contact Jacquie on 0034.697.122.883. We look forward to seeing you all there!
If you would like to give a dog a home, or foster or sponsor an abandoned dog, please see www.Barkinside.es or if you feel you could host a fund raising event please call Jacquie on 0034.697.122.883. All donations of money or items to sell at their boot fair, or towels and bowls for the dogs, would be gratefully received.