It has certainly been a very busy couple of months for us here at Finca la Castellana. Our cattery team has been inundated with requests for help with feral cats and kittens. They rescued a kitten, which was on its way to the airport, in a car engine! And they had to scale a chimney to retrieve a mummy cat that had given birth to three kittens inside of the chimney and were unable to get out.

We have recently started a project called ‘The Green Mile’. We raise funds to pay for the release of dogs and puppies from the kill station, Cereco. Up to date we have rescued 34 dogs and rehomed 29. We intend to make this a permanent project helping as many dogs as possible from certain death.
After years of rescuing hundreds of animals, people’s cruelty still shocks us all sometimes. Eight, one-week-old puppies were dumped in a shops doorway, tied up in a plastic bag. Luckily for them, a group of youngsters came across them and took the bag of puppies straight to their mum, who contacted us just in the nick of time. Unbeknown to the dumper, the shop had CCTV and the man in question was identified and the police sent to his house. We are now awaiting a court date for the man to be prosecuted for cruelty. The great news is, all of the eight puppies have gone to a forever home.
We have a new charity shop that has opened in the Filton Centre, Los Balcones, open Monday to Friday, 10-3.30pm. Sue Wade has done a tremendous job finding the unit, collecting goods to sell and manning the shop, profits will be split between our charity and Elche Children’s Home.
For more information or to make a donation please visit our Facebook page Finca la Castellana or our webpage or call Janette on 610 451 133.