Stagestruck Theatre Group recently presented the proceeds from their last show, ‘From a Jak to a King’ to two of their chosen charities.
The first donation of 1000 euros was presented at San Fulgencio Ayuntamiento to be passed on to the family of Nigel Watson, a ten year old boy from La Marina who was diagnosed with a rare tumour that affected his brain stem.

The money is to go towards his treatment which initially was believed to be only available in the USA. Fortunately, it was discovered that the treatment could be provided in Navarra in Pamplona and Nigel recently had the revolutionary surgery and the results will determine future treatment.
The second donation of 3500 euros was presented at the day centre of the Torrevieja Alzheimer’s Association. Charitable donations allow the association to continue to provide much needed day care for patients and support for families.
Finally, a further donation of 1000 euros will be presented in July to the ‘We are F.A.B’, charity whose aim is to raise money to aid the Fight Against Breast cancer. This brings the total of charity donations to five and a half thousand euros.