Hundreds of tickets are said to have been sold for a macrofiesta due to take place on 2 June in the area usually occupied by the Friday market, despite the fact that the council say they are not aware of receiving any application to hold the event.
The event publicity says that the Torrevieja Colors Party will be held in the Torrevieja public market enclosure on Saturday 2 June, from 5pm in the afternoon to 1am in the morning. However, the Torrevieja authorities has no record of either application or the granting of permission.
Neither does the gig appear in the cultural nor festivities program, which usually includes private events if there is public collaboration, and even more worrying is the fact that there have already been hundreds of tickets sold for the festival.

The Colors Party is the name of this macrofiesta, versions of which are regularly held in towns and cities across the province. They are especially popular among students who usually travel for some distances to attend the events.
The councillor of Markets, Javier Manzanares (PSOE), explained that he was approached by the organisers of the macro party but he told them that any authorisation for the use of a public enclosure needed to be processed through the heritage department, which manages municipal assets.
Municipal sources say that they are not aware of a municipal file on the event while the mayor, José Manuel Dolón (Los Verdes ) says that he does not want such events to be held in the city because they require extra public infrastructure and generate security problems.
In addition, the scheduled date is one day after the weekly market, which takes place on Friday afternoon, and which requires a thorough following its completion.
Sources say that In addition to being able to carry out the macro party from the legal point of view, the organisers also have a time problem. Even if the application was already with the authorities, the file could take 15 or 20 days to process, without any guarantee of authorisation.