The green and white marquee’s, that will be used to showcase Torrevieja’s 2018 Sevillanas Fair, have all been erected during the last few days in readiness for the annual festival that will take place in the port area this coming week from Wednesday 23rd to Sunday 27th May.
Declared to be of Provincial Tourist interest the fair is sure to attract thousands of visitors to the area where they will be able to experience activities, food, dancing and events aplenty in 28 different areas.
Many of the tents will be filled by local catering companies but there will also be contributions from local clubs and associations that have exhibited at over 3 decades of this festival.

This will be the second sevillanas fair in eight months because the Council postponed the fair in May 2017 because of a lack of contract, pushing the event back to last October .
The opening will take place at 9pm on Wednesday at 9 pm with the switching on of the lights, a recital of the anthem of Torrevieja, fireworks and a performance by the group Chaskío, two brothers from Alicante who come from a large Flamenco family.
On Thursday, as for the rest of the week, there will be numerous events for children, with painting, games, balloons and youth workshops. There will also be dance groups and choral performances which will take to the stage at regular intervals, and one of the most popular groups in the world of Sevillanas “Los del Guadalquivir” will perform at 11.15pm.
On Friday it will be the turn of the Madrid artiste Juan Valderrama at 11.30pm while the Rociera mass, sung by the choir Pura Sangre, will perform during the traditional Saturday morning, which will then continue with parades, horsemen, choirs, carriages, and supporters of the fair, all played out to the rhythm of Sevillanas.
The final performance on Saturday evening with Agustín Barajas and his show “Entre copla and flamenco” at 11.30pm.
During every day visitors will be able to enjoy non-stop sevillanas and eat at the fair’s marquees. Prizes will be awarded for the best stands on Saturday while on Sunday the climax of the fair will include the paseíllo, a spectacle on horseback, which will also feature a parade of iconic carriages, and the final of the sevillanas competition.
The contract for the fair was only formalised by the City Council last Wednesday. At a cost of 94,000 euros (113,000 including VAT).
You can read more about the fair, it’s complete schedule and it’s featured events, at: