“Live long and prosper” so the saying goes and that is what Age Concern Costa Blanca does, care and support the over 50’s.
Formed in March 1998 and registered as a charity from day one, Age Concern is a household name both in Spain and the UK and goes from strength to strength.
From humble beginnings in a tiny house in Los Balcones, then onto an even smaller house in the Torretas to our centre in La Siesta, which started life as a derelict warehouse offered by the Town Hall. After much fundraising our building was totally refurbished, decorated and fitted out and has become a social, administration and storage centre for all the mobility aids so often desperately needed for people who, either short or long term, want help. We have to thank former Presidents Avril Tilley, Angela Keay MBE, Rarfe Chambers Judy Ferris MBE, and our current President, Maureen Payne for their tenacity and vision to overcome so many obstacles to make Age Concern, and their good work, available to so many. We actively encourage integration between British, Spanish and other nationalities. We work with several caring associations and charities to benefit the not so young, frail or infirm to enhance their well being, environment and enjoyment of our life here in Spain.

It goes without saying that the backbone of Age Concern rests safely in the arms of the 100 plus volunteers whether they be the drivers who daily transport beneficiaries to and from our centre, the volunteers in our two charity shops in Torrevieja and Los Montesinos, our friendly centre volunteer team who man the centre every week Monday to Friday from 10.00 – 1.30pm and a host of volunteers, never seen, but work tirelessly in the background keeping everything ticking over.
Our 20 years of service, in Spain, to the community and over 50’s culminates in a celebratory Gala Ball being held on Saturday May 19th at the Masa Hotel in Torrevieja. It promises to be a spectacular milestone event and tickets are now available, for just 25 euros per person, from either our charity shops or our centre in La Siesta. Alternatively, you can email costablanca@ageconcern.org.es. A sumptuous 3 course meal, Cava reception and entertainment by the extremely popular Bella Luna will be an event not to be missed.
For any information required for help or welfare requirements, social activities held at our centre or details of our Gala Ball please telephone 966 786 887. We are always here to help.