Steve Howarth and Dave Coupe, two members of the Portobello Walking Football Team based in Campoverde, will be walking the Camino De Santiago De Compostela next month to raise money for their two nominated charities, the A.E.C.C, (Cancer Charity) and The Amigos De San Jose De Orbrero Children’s Orphanage Orihuela).
Despite only recently we handed over 1,000 euros to the two charities, Steve and Dave will now be stepping out on the thousand kilometre pilgrimage starting at San Juan Pied de Port in France to Muxia on the Atlantic coast of Spain.

The pilgrimage will take approximately 35 days, covering approximately 30km per day. The “first of many steps on this route will be Monday the 9th of April 2018.
There will be a daily “post” on the Portobello Bar Facebook page to keep friends and supporters updated on the progress.
The two intrepid volunteers are hoping to raise as much as they possibly can in funding for the two charities details of which can be found at:
On Thursday 5th of April 2018 from 6pm onwards the pair will be holding Bon Voyage Bash, sending at Portobello’s Bar in Campoverde.
The evening will include live music, a sponsored Head Shaving, (both Dave & Steve), and a raffle. There will also be a sealed bid auction for a day out on boat, with Cava, for two persons, and other prizes. Please go along and give your support to this invaluable cause.
They hope to be back in time for their Homecoming Party at the same venue on the 31st of May 2018.
For further information please contact Steve on 966 84 8882 or by email: