The volunteers of Finca San Miguel de Salinas recently said goodbye to Bruno, the Finca’s pet Rottweiler. Bruno had been at the animal shelter since he was a pup.
He knew the campo very well, and often walked off by himself for about 20 minutes, sometimes rather more when he was chasing a rabbit or a cat and he forgot the time.

In the summer of 2016 he went ‘walkies’ for over 3 hours and we were all very worried. Fortunately he came back, but since that time we have always taken him out on a lead, concerned that something could happen to him.
He was always happy to go for a walk, he oved all the female volunteers and they loved him.
The sad news came at the end of December when the vet diagnosed acute arthritis. Heike gave him a foster home for his last few weeks and when Bruno made a visit to the Finca in late January it was to say his goodbyes. He needed so much morphine and so many painkillers that they took their toll and he passed away just a couple of days later.
Dear Bruno, you will always be in our hearts. We will never forget you. RIP
But we now have to move on for all the other animals at the Finca that are still very much in our need.
On every last Saturday of the month we always organise an Open Day at the Finca, the next of which will be this coming Saturday 24/2 from 13.00-17.00 hrs.
There will be food, drinks, homemade cake, music by Jurgen Rost and Patrick (Radio Costa) and a raffle. We are still in the Carnival mood, so if you would like to come along in fancy dress, please do!
We are always looking for volunteers, cake makers, raffle prizes and if you like to help with the animals, please let us know.
For more information and should you wish to become a member, see our Facebookgroup fincasanmigueldesalinas, or call Mona 616 792 355, or email Sol
Do come along on Saturday. The animals and volunteers look forward to seeing you!