On Saturday, 10 February, local Freemasons Lodge Javea 40 held a successful and very enjoyable Valentines celebration to honour their Ladies.
Fifty-one Masons and guests attended the celebratory Valentines meal at the Attico restaurant in Javea Port where, the Worshipful Master, WBro Matthew James, presented each lady with a personal gift from himself, suitable for the evening – a floral arrangement containing two red roses.

Everyone agreed that the food was really excellent and it was enjoyed by all.
Continuing the Valentines theme, the star raffle prize was an amazing flower arrangement, which was won by Mrs Diane Jackson, wife of WBro Neville Jackson.
The WM also presented a surprise bouquet to his beloved lady, Beatriz.
WM Matthew James then thanked Bro.Malcolm March for organising the evening at short notice and presented a lovely bouquet to Malcolm’s wife, Margaret, for all the work she had undertaken during his year in office, and supporting Javea 40’s social events with advertising and IT help.
The evening’s raffle raised an additional three hundred and sixty-five euros for the WM’s chosen charity, the La Fe Children’s Oncology Research Department and Oncology Ward.
If you have an interest in Freemasonry or are actively considering becoming a Freemason, please contact me on the email address below.