Torrevieja U3A
Torrevieja U3A members have just completed a very busy week. Amongst many other activities that were on offer, about 120 members attended the Quesada Golf Club for a Christmas feast including refreshment, which went down very well, as usual.
Friday saw the Easy Walkers taking a trip around the Sucina area where they were allowed to briefly visit a local farm that was host to some newly arrived lambs.

Considering the time of year, and despite strenuous searching, they did not come across any wise men or camels. Saturday was the turn of the Walking Group who took part in a longer walk around the Guardamar area with Sunday allowing the Petanca group to meet for one of its twice weekly sessions which, as usual, was well attended.
Monday was the last monthly meeting this year of the U3A and was held at the its normal venue the CMO building where, despite the lack of refreshments due to the ongoing closure of the cafeteria, members brought along their own drinks and food to eat whilst they were entertained by the Singing for Pleasure group.
They were treated to songs old and new and a short selection of carols.There was also an amusing rendition of the old favourite Henry and Liza song “There’s a Hole in my Bucket” enacted by a couple of brave U3A members who will remain anonymous to protect them!!
Barry Weston – Torrevieja U3A Press Officer