Once again on a pleasant autumn day MABS Murcia Mar Menor presented the Glitz and Glamour Fashion Show at Las Claras in Los Alcazares on the 7th November. The show was a sell-out and one hundred and twenty ladies joined us for an enjoyable afternoon of fashion aimed at the festive party season.
The outfits, which were all donated to the shop, were modelled by our own very lovely and dedicated volunteers. It was difficult to tell that the ladies are not professional models as they strutted and turned on the catwalk. The outfits modelled were ideal for parties or dances. They were new or nearly new with some great designer labels amongst them, and as always, were available to purchase at the end of the show.

However the audience didn’t have to wait until the show started to spend on party clothes as there were already racks full of lovely fashions available to purchase when the doors opened. Our volunteers were delighted to assist them and point out matching or suitable accessories, shoes, bags and lots of sparkly jewellery, to compliment the outfits. There was hardly a table without carrier bags in view and ladies chatting excitedly about their purchases and the imminent show.
Our presenter Ziggi, an ex-Tiller Girl and still looking fabulous, opened the show for us. MABS are so lucky she gives of her time to do this. The models and the dressers, all Volunteers of MABS, work very hard and without them the show would not have run so smoothly and kept to time. They do say that practice makes perfect and this event ran so smoothly and without a hitch that everyone enjoyed the day. A huge Thank You to ALL the MABS Volunteers.
The team at MABS are very dedicated and work well together to further the charity. But, without our supporters we would not survive and the greatest thanks goes to them as at the final count a total of 1,761 Euros was raised. Absolutely fabulous !!! Thanks to everyone involved.
Cancer does not Discriminate and neither does MABS.