Over Remembrance weekend Campoverde Church held two special events to enable the people of Campoverde to remember and pay their respects to those who have given their lives for our freedom and democracy.

On November 11 in Campoverde Church there was a most moving and poignant concert of contemplative readings and music by Mike and Pip Shail, with special guest George Piper. Many representatives of the Royal British Legion and past serving members of the Armed Forces were in the audience, three of them taking part. Maggie Dew said, “We thought it was important to give people in Campoverde the chance to attend a secular concert as well as our Christian Remembrance Service the following day.
We all thank God for those who have given their lives so that we can enjoy the lives we enjoy today. Being in the church and under the cross we were reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ also made for us so that we might have eternal life. John 15: 13, is as relevant to the sacrifice that Jesus made as to the sacrifice that our men and women of the Armed Forces have made: ‘A greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.’”

On Sunday November 12 Campoverde Church held an Act of Remembrance in the church garden, again with members of the Royal British Legion and past serving members of the Armed Forces as well as many other Campoverdians in attendance. The Act of Remembrance was led by Father Terry Baxter and a wreath was laid under the cross in the garden by Campoverde church’s oldest member, Geoff Weaver, who took part in D-Day as a very young man.
The service continued in the church where photographs of relatives who had given their lives were laid in front of the altar and a special prayer of thanksgiving was said for them by Father Terry.
More information about Campoverde Church can be found on their facebook page at www.facebook.com/campoverdechurch.